“That’s Why I Call America a Sharia Compliant State.”

  Listen to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's words on the link below. They are also written out directly beneath the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmZ0Qmqn3Wo "Now how similar is this to the American Declaration of Independence which declares that all men, meaning men and women, were created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which - among …

I wonder if certain members of the Kenyan government realize that they’re Birthers…

When I first heard the term, "birther" it made an impact on me. I wasn't sure of what it meant, but it was said in a derogatory manner, so I hoped I wasn't one.  Having given birth four times - I was almost assured that I was. I had heard the term "breeder" for those …

~The Illusion of Freedom in America~ Are we a “shining city on a hill”, or an aquarium?

Here is a beautiful quote from Ronald Reagan in regards to opportunity in America. Sadly, the vision - the dream, is becoming a thing of the past and I fear that it will become nothing more than a story we tell our grandchildren. The story of what America used to be. "I, in my own …